Another year has flown by, gone by, and I think we got by. I can only reflect on the year and realize the true unpredictability of life. Because as much as I like to plan and scribble dates, events, and appointments on my calendar, I realize it can all change in a moment. Everything set in motion by a single phone call, a single birth, a single decision causing everything to play out the exact way it should. How could we be anything but thankful?
And though 2011 brought some unexpected twists and turns, no other year since the birth of Nyah has been much different. A whirlwind to say the least.
The dark haired beauty came after just four hours of labor in the summer of 2007, the year and the season I became the woman and the person I was meant to be. The name Nyah is Swahili for "purpose", and that is exactly what she gave to me. A purpose. Through her I also learned not only my physical strength but mental strength and once I had discovered my true self worth, we were on our way.
The two of us spent 2008 working hard in Indiana, me to make things happen for us and her growing into the strong, bold, precious girl she is, none which could have happened without the help of my family. Though times were good, the inspiration just wasn't there for me.
So, jump to January 2009, we packed our humble belongings in a few suit cases, I gathered my courage, stepped out on faith, and followed our hearts back to Nyah's island of St. Croix. I was content. Nyah was all I needed.
And from there we grew more, connected with the island culture, enjoyed local food and the company of my brother and sister in law. We lived a simple life under the sun.
And then on that hot night in the rainforest, I just happened to run into my old friend George. The thing that neither of us were aware of or ready for prior to that night became a reality. And I am not sure I can put into words just how good things got from there.
My brother and sister in law left the island for new horizons and got married. We moved to town in our first home together, a tiny condo on a hill where Nyah celebrated her second birthday and began attending the most amazing Montessori preschool.
Just before the year ended, we welcomed Elsa Christiana into our lives. The bounciest happiest little girl we could never imagine, not even in our wildest dreams.
And then 2010, the year we found our dream piece of land over looking the Caribbean Sea, at the restaurant where George and I had our first date and where he proposed to me on one of the only dates we went on for the year.
I felt there was such a reason to celebrate life and family, so on June 3,2010, I wrote my first blog post. A hobby that has become such a creative release for me and great way to share our daily lives.
But 2010 wouldn't have been complete without a positive pregnancy test, of course taken in the triage booth of the Juan F. Luis Hospital, the place I was working when I discovered I was blessed with new life with all three of our children. The ultimate secret only I knew for the seconds, the days, the moments I held it, my insides jumping into my throat the entire time, once from fear and twice from excitement.
Twenty-ten ended with us making our love official in the presence of our most loved family and friends, in Las Vegas, of course.
And 2011, the present for but a few more hours has been such a good year, where we enjoyed our island life, stronger friendships, and growing children.
Mango season was the best yet, and then it was time to go. To a different job, to a different life not on an island and I cried. We enjoyed an Indiana summer to the fullest as we assimilate to the mega life on the mainland.
And then in July our big ten pound boy reluctantly came to us in one big push, securing his place as our baby boy, our last. A calm and snuggly Momma's boy.
George left us two weeks later to start his job and find a home for us. I gathered myself and learned to be the momma of three babies alone, but of course, not without the help of my family, especially my Nan.
So here were are, in our new home. A house with screens, a yard, and space, located in a place we never dreamed we would be, Louisiana. Learning and loving and assimilating to a new culture and new flavors. And growing and enjoying each other every step of the way.
I have no major resolutions for 2012, just the same as last year, and the daily goal of being the best person I can be. I do hope to settle in this coming year, appreciate, and be ultimately present with the kids as they grow. And maybe enjoy a year without being pregnant or giving birth. That would be a year for the record books.
Wishing the best to all of you, hoping your hearts are filled to the brim in 2012.
And as always, thanks for the support and thanks for reading.
All my love,
And though 2011 brought some unexpected twists and turns, no other year since the birth of Nyah has been much different. A whirlwind to say the least.
The two of us spent 2008 working hard in Indiana, me to make things happen for us and her growing into the strong, bold, precious girl she is, none which could have happened without the help of my family. Though times were good, the inspiration just wasn't there for me.
And from there we grew more, connected with the island culture, enjoyed local food and the company of my brother and sister in law. We lived a simple life under the sun.
My brother and sister in law left the island for new horizons and got married. We moved to town in our first home together, a tiny condo on a hill where Nyah celebrated her second birthday and began attending the most amazing Montessori preschool.
Just before the year ended, we welcomed Elsa Christiana into our lives. The bounciest happiest little girl we could never imagine, not even in our wildest dreams.
And then 2010, the year we found our dream piece of land over looking the Caribbean Sea, at the restaurant where George and I had our first date and where he proposed to me on one of the only dates we went on for the year.
I felt there was such a reason to celebrate life and family, so on June 3,2010, I wrote my first blog post. A hobby that has become such a creative release for me and great way to share our daily lives.
But 2010 wouldn't have been complete without a positive pregnancy test, of course taken in the triage booth of the Juan F. Luis Hospital, the place I was working when I discovered I was blessed with new life with all three of our children. The ultimate secret only I knew for the seconds, the days, the moments I held it, my insides jumping into my throat the entire time, once from fear and twice from excitement.
Twenty-ten ended with us making our love official in the presence of our most loved family and friends, in Las Vegas, of course.
And 2011, the present for but a few more hours has been such a good year, where we enjoyed our island life, stronger friendships, and growing children.
Mango season was the best yet, and then it was time to go. To a different job, to a different life not on an island and I cried. We enjoyed an Indiana summer to the fullest as we assimilate to the mega life on the mainland.
And then in July our big ten pound boy reluctantly came to us in one big push, securing his place as our baby boy, our last. A calm and snuggly Momma's boy.
George left us two weeks later to start his job and find a home for us. I gathered myself and learned to be the momma of three babies alone, but of course, not without the help of my family, especially my Nan.
So here were are, in our new home. A house with screens, a yard, and space, located in a place we never dreamed we would be, Louisiana. Learning and loving and assimilating to a new culture and new flavors. And growing and enjoying each other every step of the way.
I have no major resolutions for 2012, just the same as last year, and the daily goal of being the best person I can be. I do hope to settle in this coming year, appreciate, and be ultimately present with the kids as they grow. And maybe enjoy a year without being pregnant or giving birth. That would be a year for the record books.
Wishing the best to all of you, hoping your hearts are filled to the brim in 2012.
And as always, thanks for the support and thanks for reading.
All my love,