I am by no means an expert baker (if the looks of our graham cracker house doesn't make this blazingly obvious), in fact I am just a beginner but even I know the humidity here can make baking a challenge. Melting chocolate, nearly impossible. My first attempt making a pie crust was comical. The dough was a gooey mess even after adding double the flour. Tasty. I wish high humidity instructions were included in recipes. By the way, I am open to suggestions to my baking problems if anyone has any ideas.
Back to the gingerbread house. We finally got the house standing after a little help from George and great frustration on my part. A little messy but standing, for now.
I felt like the graham cracker house was becoming a personal challenge. Me vs graham cracker house. The construction was not the most exciting part for Nyah, of course she just wanted to decorate. She stole samples of candy and icing during this stage.
We then added the candy after the icing dried for a couple hours.
Here is the finished product. Nyah was in charge of the path which of course looks awesome.
As my finger lifted off the shutter to take the above picture, the house collapsed. The seams didn't break, the house actually caved in on itself because the graham crackers were soggy. Ugh, damn humidity.
Guess who was in charge of tree duty while we were working.
Elsa can't get enough of the tree.
Nyah expertly handling the cleanup of the house post collapse, what would we do without her.
Until next year graham cracker house. We will master you.
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