Wow, it's been awhile. Not sure why it has been so difficult for me to keep up. I guess its more the act of sitting down at the computer and plugging in the phone/camera than anything. But here I am for a quick update.
I would love to jump in right where I left off but it seems that since so much time has passed, the old photos from January seem irrelevant. Everyone has grown and changed so much. The kids just aren't the people they were back then. Seems impossible but its true. So here are some of the highlights of life lately.
Nyah is reading and writing like a fiend and doing great in school and best of all, she loves it. George is the designated math teacher in the house and guess what Nyah excels in...math, obviously. He's such a great teacher.
Nyah enjoys doing everything on her own and would fix her own hair for school is I allowed. She's almost there.
Jude has had the most drastic change of all. He is talking up a storm and rambles out sentences that make George and I look at each other with such amazement because we had no clue he could say any of the words. Like, "I will do it myself, Daddy."
And Daddy it is. Seems the tides have changed and Jude is finally starting to favor George a little more. He was such a devout Momma's boy for so long and I think George was starting to wonder but Jude is now George's shadow, doing and following and helping him at all times. It's precious.
I would love to jump in right where I left off but it seems that since so much time has passed, the old photos from January seem irrelevant. Everyone has grown and changed so much. The kids just aren't the people they were back then. Seems impossible but its true. So here are some of the highlights of life lately.
Nyah is reading and writing like a fiend and doing great in school and best of all, she loves it. George is the designated math teacher in the house and guess what Nyah excels in...math, obviously. He's such a great teacher.
Nyah enjoys doing everything on her own and would fix her own hair for school is I allowed. She's almost there.
And she lost two teeth!
Elsa is the same happy wonderful smart child she has always been and it is pretty much summed up in her school photo this year. This is Elsa 100%. When I ask her teacher at school if Elsa has had a good day, the response I typically get is, "Elsa always has a good day." And it's true. This child is happiness.Jude has had the most drastic change of all. He is talking up a storm and rambles out sentences that make George and I look at each other with such amazement because we had no clue he could say any of the words. Like, "I will do it myself, Daddy."
And Daddy it is. Seems the tides have changed and Jude is finally starting to favor George a little more. He was such a devout Momma's boy for so long and I think George was starting to wonder but Jude is now George's shadow, doing and following and helping him at all times. It's precious.
Jude recently had to get tubes in his ears after too many ear infections and so far so good. He's healthy and actually sleeping at night. Hopefully ear infections are a think of our past.
And he got a professional big boy hair cut.
He looks so old and handsome now, I can't even take it.
It has finally warmed up here so we are spending every moment we can outside enjoying spring.
Until next time!